Monitoring of Aspirational Blocks-Dashboard UP

            Block wise Analysis

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Ranking Overall Theme-1 Theme-2 Theme-3 Theme-4 Theme-5
Absolute 11 16 11 66 46 92
Delta -- -- -- -- -- --
State Average Source
From Year :
Month :
To Year :
Month :
Change in the indicator's values in Basti, Kudaraha (Total indicator = 50)

Change in the indicator's values in Basti, Kudaraha (Total indicator = 50)
Improved Deteriorated No change
13 12 25

Change in the indicator's values with respect to State Average Basti, Kudaraha (Total indicator = 49)

Change in the indicator's values with respect to State Average Basti, Kudaraha (Total indicator = 49)

Above Below Same
36 12 1

Department Indicator State Average
(Mar, 24)
State Average
(Mar, 24)
(Mar, 24)
(Nov, 24)
(Nov, 24-Mar, 24)
Achievement (Mar, 24) w.r.t. State Average (Mar, 24) Achievement (Nov, 24) w.r.t. State Average (Mar, 24) Absolute Rank (Mar, 24) Absolute Rank (Nov, 24)
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.1 Percentage of pregnant women registered for Antenatal care (ANC) within the first trimester 76.80 76.80 112.24 99.70 -12.54 Above Above 1 32
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.2 Percentage of institutional deliveries against total reported deliveries 94.98 94.98 58.55 100.00 41.45 Below Above 101 1
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.3 Percentage of low-birth weight babies (less than 2500g) (-ve) 11.67 11.67 16.67 16.85 0.18 Below Below 107 107
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.4 Percentage of National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) certified facilities in the Block 1.79 1.79 10.00 8.70 -1.30 Above Above 3 12
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.5 Percentage of persons screened for hypertension against targeted population in the Block 9.80 9.80 0.14 102.94 102.80 Below Above 106 14
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.6 Percentage of persons screened for diabetes against targeted population in the Block 9.60 9.60 0.14 102.95 102.81 Below Above 106 14
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.7 Percentage of Tuberculosis (TB) cases treated successfully against TB cases notified a year ago 92.00 92.00 91.80 93.75 1.95 Below Above 65 55
ICDS 1.8 Percentage of pregnant women taking Supplementary Nutrition under the ICDS programme regularly 63.61 63.61 51.50 78.38 26.88 Below Above 104 57
ICDS 1.9 Percentage of children from 6 months to 6 years taking Supplementary Nutrition under the ICDS programme regularly 63.24 63.24 43.52 86.72 43.20 Below Above 102 37
ICDS 1.10 Measurement efficiency of children enrolled at Anganwadi Centres during the reporting month 96.27 96.27 99.43 99.81 0.38 Above Above 8 17
ICDS 1.11 Percentage of children under 5 years with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) (-ve) 1.24 1.24 0.50 0.61 0.11 Above Above 11 36
ICDS 1.12 Percentage of children under 5 years with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) (-ve) 4.05 4.05 1.94 2.75 0.81 Above Above 8 15
ICDS 1.13 Percentage of operational Anganwadis Centres with functional toilets 43.47 43.47 65.93 86.34 20.41 Above Above 35 19
ICDS 1.14 Percentage of operational Anganwadis Centres with drinking water facilities 40.67 40.67 70.37 88.82 18.45 Above Above 30 17
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.15 Percentage of pregnant women receiving 4 or more antenatal care check-ups to the total no. of pregnant women registered for Antenatal Care (ANC) (0107) 94.90 94.90 100.00 100.00 0.00 Above Above 10 10
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.16 Percentage of children fully immunized (9-11 months) (BCG+ DPT3 + OPV3 + Measles1) (0118) 99.31 99.31 100.00 90.83 -9.17 Above Below 33 89
Medical Health and Family Welfare 1.17 Percentage of Golden cards distributed against eligible families (0123) 67.67 67.67 74.56 63.34 -11.22 Above Below 64 30
Secondary Education 2.1 Transition Rate - Percentage of boys transitioned from Upper Primary to Secondary level 89.35 89.35 81.50 81.50 0.00 Below Below 48 48
Secondary Education 2.2 Transition Rate - Percentage of girls transitioned from Upper Primary to Secondary level 80.30 80.30 69.04 69.04 0.00 Below Below 63 63
Secondary Education 2.3 Transition Rate - Percentage of boys transitioned from Secondary to Higher Secondary Level 80.96 80.96 66.63 66.63 0.00 Below Below 53 53
Secondary Education 2.4 Transition Rate - Percentage of girls transitioned from Secondary to Higher Secondary Level 79.74 79.74 104.12 104.12 0.00 Above Above 4 4
Basic Education 2.5 Percentage of elementary schools having Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) less than equal to 30 69.00 69.00 65.25 65.25 0.00 Below Below 60 60
Basic Education 2.6 Percentage of schools having adequate no. of girls’ toilet facilities against the total number of schools 96.73 96.73 100.00 100.00 0.00 Above Above 1 1
Basic Education 2.7 Percentage of schools having trained teachers for teaching child with special needs (CwSN) 4.94 4.94 7.09 7.09 0.00 Above Above 18 18
Secondary Education 2.8 Percentage of boys with 60% and above marks in Class X board exam 62.40 62.40 64.50 64.50 0.00 Above Above 14 14
Secondary Education 2.9 Percentage of girls with 60% and above marks in Class X board exam 70.65 70.65 85.01 85.01 0.00 Above Above 9 9
Secondary Education 2.10 Percentage of boys with 60% and above marks in Class XII board exam 62.85 62.85 33.29 33.29 0.00 Below Below 60 60
Secondary Education 2.11 Percentage of girls with 60% and above marks in Class XII board exam 67.51 67.51 58.85 58.85 0.00 Below Below 18 18
Basic Education 2.12 Mathematics performance in class 3 (0203) 38.34 38.34 63.71 63.71 0.00 Above Above 22 22
Basic Education 2.13 Language performance in class 3 (0204) 57.89 57.89 85.91 85.91 0.00 Above Above 22 22
Basic Education 2.14 Mathematics performance in class 5 (0205) 46.18 46.18 67.38 67.38 0.00 Above Above 28 29
Basic Education 2.15 Language performance in class 5 (0206) 60.31 60.31 70.96 70.96 0.00 Above Above 28 28
Basic Education 2.16 Mathematics performance in class 8 (0207) 44.49 44.49 73.13 73.13 0.00 Above Above 42 42
Basic Education 2.17 Language performance in class 8 (0208) 56.61 56.61 73.13 73.13 0.00 Above Above 42 42
Agriculture 3.1 Percentage of FPOs formed in the block against total sanctioned 115.73 115.73 114.29 128.57 14.28 Below Above 53 58
Agriculture 3.2 Percentage of beneficiaries under PM Kisan with AEPB (Aadhaar Enabled Payment Bridge) Seeded against total no. of beneficiaries with land details seeded 93.02 93.02 93.00 94.24 1.24 Below Above 62 87
Agriculture 3.3 Percentage of Soil Health Cards generated against soil sample collection target 338.69 338.69 342.71 319.83 -22.88 Above Below 54 53
Animal Husbandry 3.4 Percentage of Bovine Animals Vaccinated (FMD) 99.98 99.98 100.00 100.00 0.00 Above Above 1 1
Namami Gange and Rural Water Supply 3.5 Stage of Ground Water Extraction (%) (-ve) 70.76 70.76 69.32 69.32 0.00 Above Above 79 79
Namami Gange and Rural Water Supply 4.1 Percentage of Households (HHs) with functional tap water connections (FHTC) against total number of HHs in the block 80.66 80.66 83.43 84.09 0.66 Above Above 60 90
Panchayati Raj 4.2 Percentage of villages declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) plus 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 Same Same 1 1
IT & Electronics 4.3 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with BharatNet (IT & Electronics) 78.38 78.38 100.00 100.00 0.00 Above Above 1 2
IT & Electronics 4.4 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with Live BharatNet connection against total number Gram Panchayats with BharatNet 6.69 6.69 12.82 11.39 -1.43 Above Above 8 29
Rural Development 4.5 Percentage of households constructed under PMAY against cumulative target in the block 97.84 97.84 99.66 99.66 0.00 Above Above 13 4
Institutional Finance 5.1 No. of banking touch points (bank branch/BC/IPPB centre) located in the block 0.00 0.00 34.00 51.00 17.00 Above Above 102 98
IT & Electronics 5.2 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with atleast 250 beneficiaries digitally certified under PM Digital Saksharata Abhiyaan 26.00 26.00 30.67 30.67 0.00 Above Above 72 72
Rural Development 5.3 Total number of eligible households (HHs) added to SHGs 0.00 0.00 13300.00 13255.00 -45.00 Above Above 34 38
Rural Development 5.4 Percentage of SHGs that have received Revolving Fund against total SHGs in the block 75.67 75.67 76.16 67.12 -9.04 Above Below 50 90
MSME 5.5 Vocal for Local 0.00 0.00 -- -- 0.00 -- -- 1 1
Vocational Education and Skill Development 5.6 Percentage of youth certified in short term or long term training schemes to no. of youth in Block in age group 15-29 (0407) 3.30 3.30 0.70 0.54 -0.16 Below Below 108 67